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Doodle: St. Patrick's Day Mar 17,2012

A holiday celebrated by people all over the world, St. Patrick's Day finds its origins deep in Irish history. As we celebrate Ireland's national day every year, I wanted to find a fresh way to draw this doodle-- and in my research I found "what's old is new." The Book of Kells, considered one of Ireland's greatest treasures, is equally important to both Irish and art history. The pages of this illuminated manuscript has inspired centuries of artists from 800 AD right into the digital age. Capturing the intense intricacy from the Chi Rho proved no small undertaking-- despite having electricity and computers to help me.
A celebration of Ireland's history, St. Patrick's Day deserved a logo that examines the meditative aesthetic of its people. Perhaps it was due to prolonged sessions of staring at the Book of Kells, but the Celtic knots and swirls seemed to come alive while I worked. It was clear that, despite its age, the drawings were as vibrant and mesmerizing as they must have appeared centuries ago. Having worked with such intimidating reference, it's easy to appreciate the richness of Irish culture.